Friday, August 28, 2015

Happiness (on the Farm) is ...

Watching a baby chicken emerge from its shell and peeping for the first time.

Listening to the frogs croak and the crickets chirp after a rain shower.

Seeing a rainbow after a torrential thunderstorm.

Having freshly laid eggs for breakfast and seeing the chickens who laid them.

When the tractor starts on the first try.

The smell of freshly mowed grass.

The beauty of the cows grazing in the pasture.

Having a turkey jump in your lap to take a nap.

Petting a baby dairy calf and it leaning into you for more.

Watching the chickens, ducks and turkeys eat a side of watermelon.

Having a piglet follow you around the barnyard.

Laying your head down on a soft pillow at night after a long day of farming.

What's makes you happy on the farm?

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